
I love eggnog, and last year around this time I tried making it myself for the first time. I use the base recipe from Jeffrey Morgenthaler's website and it's by far the best eggnog I've ever had, and super easy to make. I haven't made any modifications to Jeffrey's recipe as it's amazing as is.

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 2 large eggs
  • 90 ml superfine sugar
  • 60 ml brandy
  • 60 ml spiced rum
  • 180 ml milk
  • 120 ml heavy cream
  • Glass: Coupe
  • Garnish: Grated nutmeg


Beat eggs in blender for one minute on medium speed.

Slowly add sugar and blend for one additional minute.

With blender still running, add brandy, rum, milk, and cream until combined.

(I find that I have to turn my blender off when adding ingredients, otherwise it splashes everywhere. This may depend on your blender.)

Chill thoroughly to allow flavours to combine and serve in chilled coupes.

Grate nutmeg on top of each drink.